ID and trade zoanthids.

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A. Grandis

Active member
Hello everyone,

I've seen lots of posts asking to ID the zoas.
Isn't that what they ask us not to do around here?
Am I missing something? Please help me get it.
It is not my intention to flame nor be rude to anyone also.

I'm asking this because I want to understand if they are referring to sell/ trade or if they are talking about the ID itself. Or both?
Sorry for my ignorance.
Please don't get me wrong...
I see the ID threads are open and not moved/deleted, so I want to understand.

I'm talking about this:

And for those who are sending me private messages about buying zoas from me... I'm very sorry, I'm not here to sell anything and I don't frag zoas to trade yet, so...
I'm just a hobbyist trying to learn more. :thumbsup:
But thanks,

If you see a thread asking for Zoa ID, feel free to report the post and we will move it.
Since this thread will go nowhere but South, I am going to close it. Thanks.
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