ID help (video)

I've had an explosion of copepods in my fairly new 125 gallon tank. I previously had a 28 gallon nano that I had running for over 4+ years so I moved all of the live rock from that tank to the sump since I never really liked the look of that live rock.

Anyhow, about a few weeks ago, I noticed and explosion of copepods in my display tank. I used an jewelers loop to get a close look at them which is when I noticed a whole bunch of some sort of algae (i think). Coincidentally, my live rock in the display tank is starting to get a bright yellow, more like green look to them especially where the light has been hitting the rocks.

Wondering if what is on the glass in the video below is the same thing that is starting to cover some of my live rock. I've noticed that cutting down the light helps slow them down a bit.

Are these diatoms or cyano?

Video comes into focus right around 15 seconds mark.
