ID, I think Halimeda


New member
Is this Halimeda? Curious, I have it growing in one of my tanks and wonder everytime I see it.

<img src="">

Thanks :). it seems to be doing very well.
so I have figured out what might be eating up the calcium in the little tank :). I think it looks pretty cool myself, thanks for the ID confirmation
evermann said:
o'indeed its a calcium eater.....

So much so, that I hadn't added Ca to my tank in 2 weeks due to a high reading and noticed my halimeda hadn't grown at all. I added 20mL to my 80-gallon reef and within 1/2 hour new tips had started to grown on the halimeda. Little Ca eaters! I love it though, it adds such a nice touch to a reef tank.
I have nothing in my 10 gallon tank that needs calcium except that :). I think it looks cool, I was gonna pull it at first sight, but after seeing it when it's large I really like it :)
A month and a half later, it's a pretty quick grower. From a bit of a macro shot in the first picture (with the Zoanthid polyp) to the shot with a Dwarf A. ocellaris :)

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it usually colors up a bit more during the day, such a nice macro :)