ID of this "white" (blank) discosoma (?)


New member
my first post to this forum, and I hope I post in the right section.

I wonder what kind of coral this is..

It have not grown much in the 8 weeks since i bought the LS (the first LS I introduced to my tank)

it has light, and when I look closely, it almost look like its a blank/clear color.

on the same rock I have 5 other discosoma in a "purplered" color


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Its just a bleached shrooms. Over time it will get its coloring back and most likely look just like the rest of them on that rock.
oki.. but the pattern is not the same.. that's why I wonder. And the color have not changed in 8 weeks - and it has light. not grown much either
Ive had the same thing if a large shroom physically covers a smaller one, it bleaches out. Now that its getting light, it will recolor. and, it might be a differnt kind so it should be fun to see what it grows up to be :)
I think I have that same variety shroom most of the time they are kind of blah but occasionally some in the right spot really can look magnificent. Do you notice that with yours?
