Id on this glowing fuzzy mushroom


I just picked up this this rock with two large fuzzy (hairy?) mushroom heads.

Can you guys tell me what type of mushroom it is? The LFS called it a hairy mushroom, but I've never seen one this color before! It really does almost glow. I don't have actinics, otherwise I would turn them on to see if they really do glow.

Here's some pics

With flash

In the tank
Rhodactis species.

+2 on the bleached part. I have some from the Indo-Pacific with a nice green glow to them. Hopefully yours should color up.
They're actually greener in person then the pictures show. They don't look unhealthy, so I really didn't think they were bleached. I've started feeding them Cyclopeze so i guess we'll see if they change color.... Is there anything else can do to help it if it is bleached? Its at the bottem of my tank now.

Is Rhodactis a type of ricordea? I have a Rhodactics sanctithomae and thats a Discosoma. It has big bubble tentacles that look nothing like this coral. This on has thin forked, almost branching tentacles.


rhodactis, ricordia and discosoma are all different species..

that means your rhodactis sanctithomae, has nothing to do with a discosoma ;)

these are indeed rhodactis indosinensis.. i have them myself ;) and yes they are bleached.. mushrooms does not need to look unhealthy when bleached.. that differs a lot..