ID Please ... Pics from a Frag Sale


Active member
My LFS had a 2 for 1 Frag sale going on and got these for $20 (basically $10 each). Looking for an ID if you can.

Thanks and sorry for the bad pics, the new cam doesnt do macro too well (time for a new lense!)

Also, for the green one: Is the (mouth?) supposed to be that pronounced?


Guessing a Blue/Purple Caribbean Ric?

Second one is a Ricordea yuma, the first.. not too sure... probably discosoma.. maybe bullseye. It's hard to tell from the side. Can you get a more dead on pic?

You definitely got a heck of a deal on the yuma. I wish we had LFSs that didn't know what to charge for things around here =P
Around here it would have been $50+ I think.

Where did you get it at? I'm in MD so it might be worth the drive to check the place out =P
Also the more I look for pics the more I think it (the green one) might be a bullseye mushy.

Either way ... whats up with its mouth? Anything wrong or just the way it is?
The first one is a regular carribean mushroom, you got what you paid for. The mouth will return to normal after some time, no worries.

The second is a Yuma, and if your LFS sold it for $10 I would be up there everyday cherry picking because they obviously did not know what they had. In the pic it's expelling zooxanthalle so that means "Shade me!". Put it under a little cave for awhile. REALLY nice find for $10, you wont come across a deal like that more than a handful of times in this hobby.
Yes I had actually had the yuma mid way up and moved it to the sand right before I took the pic. When it was on the rock it was "cupping" and IMMEDIATELY flattened out when on the sand. Today it is STUNNING!!!

The LFS definitely knows what they are doing and at times will toss some VERY nice stuff in the $20 frag tank (which is even better when its Buy One Get One). Last time I got something from the frag tank it was a beautiful 2 headed hammer (you can see part of it in the pic above).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8709330#post8709330 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Letmegrow
In the pic it's expelling zooxanthalle so that means "Shade me!". Put it under a little cave for awhile. REALLY nice find for $10, you wont come across a deal like that more than a handful of times in this hobby.

Actually, I don't think it is expelling zooxanthalle. It just looks like waste to me. Meh. What do I know. :rolleyes: Anyway, before you move it, it may already be in a happy place. :) Nice find.