ID Please


New member
Hey Guys just looking for an ID on these. They look more like Palys than Zoas.


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they look like they have clear tube bases? My experience is that the zoas have clear bases and they can get tall, I have some big ones; and the palys have a white and brown tube base. Either way very nice color. Some one feel free to correct me, that's just from my experience from zoas and palys.
Thank you. I thought Agent Orange Zoa at first but when I saw the tube like matte and how it spreads it really doesn't seem to be a Zoa. All my other Zoa's are either so tightly packed together that the matte appears as 1 solid mass where these have space in between and have a maze network of tubes with varying attachment points. The tubes attach to the rock where a polyp is but floats and is not attached to the rock between each polyp.

Ill take a pick of the matte when I get home.
From what I see in your pic I would say its a zoa. Ill post a pic of my palys and my zoas tomorrow. Could you post a pic of it zoomed out where I can see your tank and see its relative size please.
This is the Zoa colony that I have. Maybe contains 10 colonies or so. The tubes do twist and turn and they don't all connect to each other neccesarly. I turned my light back on and they were all open so I touched them to close them. just for you lol. I hope this helps.


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The difference between zoa and paly is that palys use substrate to build their body. Look veryclosely and you can see the substrate inside them
Hey guys thanks for the responses. I got tied up and wasn't able to take pics last night. I will thought tonight and get them posted.