ID Please??

Does anyone know what kind of shroom this is?
I got it from a buddy of mine about 3 months ago.
I don't know if you can see them but there are about 7 or 8 smaller ones on the same branch. Hopefully the image came in. I'm fairly new to this forum stuff.
I have to agree! It reminds me very much of a hairy mushroom but I"ve never seen one with such spectacular colors! I would love to have one of those in my tank.. My passion is odd\cool mushrooms!

More pics more pics!
Here is an updated pic of the unknown shroom that is much clearer.

Heres a pic of my green hairy. Its actually 5 mushrooms. I had one large one that split 4 ways. The colony is about 8" x 6"

Im not sure waht this is either. It is deep purple with bright blue edging and spots. It moved off the snail shell that I got in on and left part of the foot and now there is a small one there also.
