id riccordea


New member
can any one tell me if these are gonna stay this color. Had them less than a week and it seems they are getting darker. I'm curious to what kind they are and what they will look like and any advice on taking care of them. appreciate it guys

sorry i was wondering why igot no responses, i had no pic to id
do florida's get their color as they grow or will these just be real plain looking forever? if they are floridas i got a deal they were just 30 bucks.
they may or may not color up. It depends on the ric and on your lighting. Different bulbs can/will put out color in different ranges.

It will take me a while to get the pics on the comp, i have hundreds of pictures since Christmas we haven't uploaded yet, but when I get it on the comp I will show you a pic of the 2 steel blues I have.

Jason, here is a pic of our steel blue ric. It is the best one I have atm, but if you need a better one I can get it for you. I hope this helps your ID. It is the one at the bottom center.

those are some pretty rics jaw dubb i'm pretty convinced thats what i got, I'm glad i picked them up. apreciate it guys