ID: Strange Thing on My Glass


New member
So I have no idea what this thing is just saw it last night. About 3/4" long and white.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 3F545B75-D1E6-4886-8569-4DBC4D07BC68_zpsy6k5zm3r.jpg"/></a>
Yup Arminid nudibranch I believe. I had one or two come in on a colony of Cloves I bought awhile back. They seem to hang on the mouth of the closed polyp so I thought they were eating it ( The colony soon declined) though I can't be sure. They multiply quite rapidly too.
They get real flat when crawling across the glass like that. Doe sit have the 2 rhinophores or antennae on the top of its head? I've seen them lay flat before so you may need to look again.
They look just like the one in your pic when crawling across the glass, very flat. If it doesn't look like this on it's top it may be some sort of flatworm?