ID these 3 inverts please.


New member
Coral *1

Coral *2

Star Fish *3
I forgot this one too..
Its is like a slug or a snail.. Sorry not the best picture because this thing was near the durso pipe in the overflow box..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6924939#post6924939 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BlackOnyx
some sorta slug
I forgot this one too..
Its is like a slug or a snail..


CoMMaNdeR, is there any way you could remove the specimen in question and take an overhead shot of it in a bowl of water?
iCam yes sure I can but where it is now its a bit difficult to catch it. If I see another one that I can pick up easily I will picture it the way you told me.

I saw 2 since now in the tank. They are dark green colour.
It looks like a type of nudibranch or even a cucumber, but could possibly be a chiton or any other type of mollusk. How do they move, when do you see them, are they always hiding from the light. Marine Zoology is no simple thing man. And not that I'd know, but the possibilities are nearly limitless.

Did you buy that stuff w/out knowing what they were? You're braver than me (and have more money to play with)!
I wanted an ID of the corals just to confirm, I knew what they were. I didn't know this slug thing what is it. There are about 2 or 3 of them and I think they have been introduced with liverocks.

Are they harmless or should I worry?

They seem to move like a snail