Ideal Fish to Add Movement/Activity to Smaller Reef


New member
Hi all,

I'm a fairly experienced nano-reefer, though I've only ever kept Ocellaris clowns (a 9 year-old pair) and so,e yellow-head jawfish at one point. I'm setting up a new reef in a 55 gallon corner diamond, and I'm looking for an ideal fish to add some excitement/movement to the tank. The tank will have the usual small tank culprits (pair of clowns, firefish, goby, etc.). But many of the nano tank fish lack a lot of quick movement and excitement. So I'm looking for somewhat of a quick, constantly-moving fish that will be all over the tank and add some excitement. What are my options for a tank this size?
Flasher wrasse like a McCosker, yellow fin, carpenter's.

Small Halichoeres wrasse, like chrysus or biocellatus.
I agree with a wrasse. My melanurus wrasse used to swim constantly. You could set your clock to the time it went to bed and came out in the morning.
I like adding a chromis and a yellow-tailed damsel (1 each). They are active, pretty and cheap to boot. Don't try adding multiples. Even in a 120g, I had to remove all but one, as they will fight until there is only one left anyway. I also like having a wrasse in the tank, especially a fairy wrasse, because of their color and constant movement.
You're joking right?

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Nope. LA for example says a 70 gallon minimum, and places that sell fish tend to underestimate.

There are a few smaller dwarf angels, like cherub and flameback. But the two you listed get a little big and aggressive. My opinion is that the standard 75-90 would be a minimum. I've seen a couple different folks here recommend bigger tanks yet.
Nope. LA for example says a 70 gallon minimum, and places that sell fish tend to underestimate.

There are a few smaller dwarf angels, like cherub and flameback. But the two you listed get a little big and aggressive. My opinion is that the standard 75-90 would be a minimum. I've seen a couple different folks here recommend bigger tanks yet.
The flame gets to be around 4 inches. They're not like tangs that swim laps around the tank, though they do like room. I wouldn't put it in anything smaller than a 55, but I disagree with you that 55 is too small.

FWIW, I've never had aggression issues with a Flame, but I've always had them in 75+. The only issue I've had is them sometimes nipping at stony corals. Surprisingly he leaves softies alone.

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To me, a 55 corner seems like it would have less footprint (swimming room) than a standard 55.

I wouldn't recommend it, but just my opinion.
Midas Blenny, different clownfish variants, yellow wrasse, sixline wrasse (usually aggressive when 2"), melanurus wrasse, flasher wrasse, royal gramma (nice odd color),
1 anthia, the bright orange ones with blue eyes, fast and out all day.
But just 1.
Midas Blenny, different clownfish variants, yellow wrasse, sixline wrasse (usually aggressive when 2"), melanurus wrasse, flasher wrasse, royal gramma (nice odd color),

I personally have had aggression problems in my tanks before with 6 line wrasses and royal grammars. Both of they became aggressive with new tank inhabitants.