Ideas for lighting a 92 gallon corner bow front


Wrasse aficionado

I am new to this board and recently purchased a used 92 gallon corner bow front tank. The tank came with dual 36 inch 96 watt power compacts 50/50. But due to the odd shape of the tank and where the lights sit. Only the front half of the tank is lit.

I would like to add more lighting and wasnt sure if I should go with 175 watt metal halides or more power compacts. A chiller is out of the question so I am hesitant to go with metal halides.

Also since the area in the back is smaller in length I was thinking of something like a 20 inch quad power compact bulb.

Any thoughts/opinions?
I would get one 250w or 400w metal halide with the 2-4 smaller 39w t5's. Get a big luminarc reflector and thats it. If you are worried about heat just add some fans in the canopy. I have a 250w MH about 6 inches off the water without heat issues because I have a fan directed at the bulb/reflector. I also don't run a chiller.


yea i would have to agree with a 250 or 400. and then actinics (vho's, t5's, pcs.) put some fans up in the canopy...maybe one on the sump and you should be set!
Not sure if you can read spanish, if so, this is a link of one of the nicest 92 corners I have seen, this one is in Puerto Rico, you can follow the whole thread as it is very interesting and informative. good luck.92 corner
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11720361#post11720361 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
I definitely wouldn't do 400w, sorry :p waaay too much light over that size tank. Some might disagree... but yah...
agree 100%:D
250 or t5 should be more than enuff.
I have two corolife pc's.
One duel 36"
One duel 24" behind

Works well for softies and LPS but I'm thinking of going to T5.
Eric, pointed out my build thread so that should help with at least one method. As others have said I would not go with 400w, it would be too much light for the area that the LIII is going to light. In my hood I was able to fit 1x250w MH with Lumenarc Mini, 2x24w T5 with IceCap reflectors and 1x39 t5 with an IceCap reflector.

I am very happy with the lighting intensity, now I am just trying to find a color balance that I like.
Husky_1, you did a great job on lighting your corner tank that is not easy to do because of the shape. You put in a very good MH reflector with its wide spread and powerful T5 with reflectors. If i had a 92g i would copy your design.
Thanks for the info guys. I was actually thinking about a 175 watt metal halide but can see a 250 would be better suited for a tank of this size.

Although checking my temps today, I am running at 80.3. Thats without a real hood only the hood system with dual 36" 96 watt pc.

Im either going to have to add alot of fans once I get a hood and add the metal halide or forget the halides idea.

Here is the tank as it stands today.
<img src="">
Well your temps will decrease significantly when you take the glass off the top, which you'll have to do eventually. That'll make life easier, believe me. You'll evaporate more water, but your temps will be much more controllable, and you won't lose much light.
I ran T5s with my old 92 gal. I had the glass lid on as well to reduce evaporation because I needed to. I don't live in Florida, but I would imagine you'll still need either fans or removing the glass lid to keep your temps down.
I had to keep that tank looking "clean" caus its in the family room and the Mrs. might not like it otherwise. (ie. no pendants).

I also have a glass cover on which to place my fixtures. I just keep it cracked open a bit and also crack open the cabinet door occationally when it gets too warm.

Only running the skimmer when the lights are off helps a bit too.
Thanks for the compliment.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11723293#post11723293 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by flfireman1

Although checking my temps today, I am running at 80.3. Thats without a real hood only the hood system with dual 36" 96 watt pc.

No Worries on the heat, my temp does not rise above .5 degrees with all of my lights on. I have 2 120mm computer fans, running at 9v instead of 12, and this cools the canopy just fine. They come on with my first actinics, and go off with the last. You just have to make sure that the air is being pushed in by the fans and is allowed to escape via vent holes. If you end up putting a canopy on, you will no longer need the glass top and Like Eric said, loose the glass and you temp will surely decrease.