Ideas for rectangular water change vats


Premium Member
I am using two rubbermaid "BRUT" cans now, 65 gallon size.

I want to build a more space efficient water change system, and I am looking for two rectangular water tanks, 50 to 75 gallon capacity each. I need to be able to drill holes in them... so no glass.

New plastic ones cost about 300 dollars each where I am looking.

Any ideas? Build acrylic boxes? Farm and Fleet?

I know I have seen some in these threads.
I think I found the answer. These 70 gallon vats can be stacked. They have threaded holes on the sides and 7 inch opening on the top. I can stack two of these babies, fw bottom, sw top. Now, I just need the right kind of bucket to dump 12 lbs. of salt into a 7 inch hole without spilling.
I use plastic 55 gallon drums. If you want to double the storage space, put two next to each other and plumb a line between the two.