Thanks for looking in, I am about to start a twin 150's in wall project. I have decided on the basic make-up of the system, but I am having trouble configuring the equipment involved. The two DT's (60"x24"x25"ea.) will drain via bean animal silent drains to one of two 32g. sumps, I will also use a 32g. tank for the return sump. I will have an external 75g. duplex type refugium that will drain to the return sump. I will have a 40g. frag. tank that I want to incoporate into the system. I will use a Reef Octopus SRO 5000 protein skimmer with Carbon, phosphate, and calcium reactors as needed. The question becomes how to configure and size the pumps necessary for maxium efficiency. Some of my objectives are to use the least number of pumps possible, try to utilize flow were possible, and feed the refugium, at least in part, with skimmer effluent. I will have a 3 stage Ro/DI system, 1 55g. mixing tank and 2 55g. holding tanks. The water supply system will be pressurized and valved for top-off, water changes, and supply to 3 QT's. In working with the above system there are numerous ways to lay-out and plumb it, I would like some in-put on your ideas of how to best accomplish the task. Tanks in advance.........................Stig.