identifacation help


New member
in my tank I have a small light purple critter that is non-moving
it is very small like 5/16 inch long by 1/8 inch wide when open...if i touch it it closes up for a bit does anyone know what this could be?


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lol no offense but could you get a pic of the actual speciman, I laughed when i saw your drawing (expecting to see a pic of the tank). looks to be very interesting guessing it came in on the liverock
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9110287#post9110287 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
rofl ... the drawing looks like some kind of ... jelly fish ..

but on a serious note .. here is a great page that has often helped me to ID 'things' in my tank.

take care.

bastid beat me to it by 2 seconds!