I'm Back!


Premium Member
Hello All,

It has been a long while since I've been on RC. Had to leave things due to some tough family times (we lost a parent on each side to the big c), but things have calmed down again.

I believe it has been 5 or so years since I really could pay attention to things, so I am a bit behind.

I was wondering a few topics:

- The tank has been dry for about 2/2.5 years. The sand and rock are still in. Should I worry about the seals?

- What are the big skimmers these days? Roughly 800 - 1000g system.

- Are DSB still used, or have they faded?

- What type of lighting is new on the market? I have ice cap 250 hqi ballasts and some ice cap VHO ballasts.

I'm planning on the phoenix rising again, so I'm starting the research up.

Any ideas or whatnot, I appreciate it!
Wouldn't worry about the seals. Where has the tank been stored? Might be best to throw the LR/sand out and get new stuff.

Skimmers: Can't go wrong with Deltec. BubbleKing is the new cool. Also the new new cool is cone shaped skimmers. If I ever redid my system I would use two skimmers - one on each overflow (my drains run into the skimmer).

If I had space I would plug in a remote DSB. 50 gallon container with 15" of sand collected from a beach changed out every few years. The biofiltation would be awesome. I have used a Sulphur Denitrator the last 3 years but it took ages to work. I do have 0 nitrates now.

Lighting: Lots of choice. I can't even remember what my ballasts are. :p Lot of people are using 20k bulbs these days. I use 400w 20k Radiums - love the blue. T5 is the new thing on the block in the last 5 years. Don't know much about T5 but look like strip lights, nice blue colour and put out light comparable to halides.

For internal flow Vortechs are popular but I never had any luck with them. Getting Tunzes next month.
Thank's guys. I can't wait to get the tank going again. Lot's research to do first, but looking forward to it.
How big is your tank? If the rock is porous I would pressure wash it and reuse. You can mix it with some live or throw it in a fuge.
The tank is roughly 700g I believe. 48"W x 96" L x 32" H.

Interesting idea on the rock. I am worried the rock would have sucked up a lot of the nasties as the tank was beling left alone.

Quite a bit died in the tank, and I suspect the rock my have absorbed things.

After you pressure wash let it it sit in a tub of water for a while. change it out the water often ...later test your water before the rock and than after..you can see if any po4 or anything is leaching..

Thats a nice size tank.
Thank you much; I had forgotten about it. Last time I recall, I was giving away a bunch of Xenia and quite a few folks came by. Thanks again for the reminder.