Im new to SPS corals...... any info?

I question the nitrate thing. Why do people diss wet/drys so much? Wet/dry are VERY effecient at breaking down nutrients thus the nitrates can't be broken down or consumed. I think having 0 nitrates is the way to go regardless if your phosphate is 0 or not. They might need nitrates but by feeding fish and regular waste, your tank will get plenty of nitrates.

IMO, I would recommend nitrates under 10. I've seen several people with sps growth / color issues with nitrates over 10 and phosphates reading 0 using phosban 24/7.
Reefer, my recommendation is that you definitely need more light, if the lighting is T-5 Normal Output then that is not enough for any SPS, let alone coral. Metal Halides are recommended for SPS (okay there are different types, but in general, SPS and Acropora) as they are the only type of light that can provide the intensity needed for these shallow water species. Two tubes aren't going to cut it even if you have sunlight. The mature tank is a good thing, however the nitrate issue is a bit pressing. You want to try and lower that, check your feeding habits as well as water changes. Zero is best, you will get awesome coloration and growth provided you have good enough lights.
Do you have other coral in the tank?
I have 4 bulbs not 2. And yess i have one kenya tree , about 5 xenia ,a few mushrumes and 4 zooanthid polips (i dont like them since they can release toxins). My test for calcium only go,s to 300 so i just figured 350. I have aragonite sand wich i heard can give off some calcium and i suplament the calcium wen needed.
I would put up pics but im not sure how ill have to learn today.
i have one power filter with no sponges in it but it is only for waer flow i have one remora skimmer and the xenia and i have a big plant in the tank that looks like a big ball of fishing string (i dont remember the name) and my nitrat is under 20 not at 20.And mariner i asked my pairents about 1.035 ppm and they sed that was way to hight (they have been in the hobby off and on for 20 years). I know i should have asked what tipe it is. And thanks for all the help.
The calcium should higher, minimum calcium level for any hard coral is around 350-380. It does not need to be as high as 450, that is actually not a good place to keep it, around 400 seems to be the norm. The zoos won't be too much trouble, you have a large tank and if the terpenoid toxins get to be a problem then just pop in some carbon. Try supplementing calcium regularly, your softies didn't really need it that much but if you want hard corals then try to experience managing the calcium at a sustainable level. When you say your calcium test only goes to 300 do you mean it does it in increments of 50 mg/L?

Water flow is extremely important for SPS as well, you will want at minimum 50x tank turnover per hour. 1.025-1.026 is optimal for a coral system. Hope this helps, ask if you have any questions, that is the best thing you can do!
50x turnover is quite a bit and definetly not needed. It can help but I find positioning of flow much more important. I have approximately 20X turnover in my tank and it works just fine for me. I would not personally go lower unless you can really utilize where the flow is hitting. If you have a BB tank, then I'd say knock that flow up.
WOW! Thanks thebicyclecafe. The test reads only to 300 and i think it is like 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 is how it tests but the collor isnt like any on the chart so i just figured 350. And i do run carbon.
barebottom. Just another method people use. I plan on adding 2 higher power pumps eventually but right now I'm doing great with 20X turnover. If you can do more, then by all means, but I'm fine with what I have right now.
i cant figure out how to put up pics of the coral and filters like you sed but do any of you know how? And it seens to be dooing fine it isnt the metalick yellow it was at the store but i dont realy care about the color just solong as it lives. I looked in to my windows and they dont absorbe sun lite there just regular glass.
It's definitely more about the direction of the flow than the quantity- good random flow is best, you don't want to blow off the flesh on your SPS but you do want them to be able to breathe. After awhile your coral will start growing into the tank and filling it up, then it is a bit hard to mess with the direction of the flow and such, but keeping it high will definitely be better in the long run.
What kind of calcium test are you using? From what you say (a chart?) it doesn't seem like a titration test kit. Those are easiest to use, I would recommend one wholeheartedly.