Important: Where to connect what

Matthias Gross

.Registered Member
In the past we had some damaged ProfiLux because the devices as powerbars or dimmable pumps and lights had not been connected to the correct port!

In the manual you will find all neccessary information here:
1.5 Connections
2 Installation

I know that not everybody believes in manuals - but it would save a lot of money and time because the most problems could be avoided if everyone would read the manual.

Thank you!
This is important stuff guys, we have had a few of late globally where wrong devises are connected. As matthias states, this is all covered in the manual.

As of early next year GHL have made extra investment in the latest profiLux release which will have protected inputs.
As of early next year GHL have made extra investment in the latest profiLux release which will have protected inputs.

When do we get to see these new models you are talking about for next year?

Its not a new model.

The exisitng models built from the beginning of next year will have user error protection built into them, which will save costly repairs when accidental mistakes are made with plugging in cables to L and S sockets