Improved GHL Profilux 3.1 stats and logs

Nice to see it progressing. I tried to get it up and running, but no luck. That I blame on me because I am not 100% computer savvy myself.
i need a few ghl sources to be able to build this, so if people have their ghl units reacable from the internet, and they feel like helping. Let me know the ip address, then i will add it to my hosted system, and it will start to pull stats from it. When i have built up a website to handle the data, you will get acces to graphs similar to the ones shown here...

i have already built the backend, so the system can log diffrent ghl units correctly. there is just a whole lot of user stuff to do now..
ca 40%færdig med den hosted løsning.

About 40% done with the hosted solution. I just need to add a few more features, then its all about finishing touches, error handeling and so on. The system is already collection data just fine, and are generated the graphs show in the thread here.


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It now supports password protected ghl units. I do need a few to test with, to see if the data collection through a password protected ghl unit is reliable. Guest acces is fine.. pm me if you want to help test it...

i am considering making support for getting the data from myghl but i think it would be a feature for later. Right now i plan to finish this, with a few aditional functions and see how much interest there is. I dont plan on earning any money from this, but i expect it to be able to run cost free at least. So there will be a small fee for this, probaly around 1-2 doller pr month, it just has to be enought to cover the hosting fees.

next features will be, week and monthly stats.
Now there is support for adding your test kit result.. I have support for: NO3,PO4,CA,KH,MG,NO2,HN4,SI,SR,I2,B,CU. If i missed any let me know.


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Første del af de sidste funktioner er færdige.

Lav, median og højeste værdie i gennemsnit over uge vist i graf. Teorien er man på den måde kan se hvor stabilt ens akvarie køre hen over de forskelige uger. Der er pt kun 2 ugers data i systemet.. Men den skulle viste det hen over 7 uger. Der kommer en ligende funktion pr månede, hen over et helt år, og så pr år, når der er nok data i systemet til at vise det :)

First part of the last features on my list, for release is done. The week median data view. This shows low, median and high data avarage per week. The idea behind this, is you will be able to tell how stable your system is from week to week. right now the system shows 7 weeks, i will tweak this later.

after this, there will come a month view, that shows 12 months, and then a year view.. But that will come when i have enought data to work with.

You can remove parts of the data, so you can view low and high only, or low values through each week..


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It's wonderfull
I'm very interesting for testing

Envoyé de mon SM-G935F en utilisant Tapatalk

No problem, pm me your mail, and the external address for your ghl profilux 3 webserver, and if it's protected with login the user and password. Guests access is enough, and I will create an account for you.
I have myghl support now...

i do need at least 1 or 2 test persons for this, to see how stable it is.. I have tried to contact GHL about how they view remote acces to their myghl site, with out getting an answer, so they may close it down.

It will only capture the data every 10 minutes atm, its a bit more heavy to get the date this way, ghl have done everything they could, to make remote acces to their ghl data as hard to do as possible...

any way pm me your username and password for myghl, along with your email, if you want to test it.