Informative Topics


New member
Now that we have the ball rolling on getting hosts/hostesses for the monthly meetings; what are some topics that people would like to have?

One idea came up at the last meeting: what about homemade fish food. I have been told that is was a topic a while back but we do have newer members that did not get the information on this.

Anyone else have a topic they would like to raise?

Lets hear those ideas………………………………..
Clam Care.

I will be diving in PR in July/Aug and hopefully be diving with a group called Coralations on Culebra. . They are attempting to save the reefs around PR. Their website shows chicken wire type cages where they are propagating staghorn/elkhorn in the ocean. If I get to dive with them, I will make lots of pictures and can host another meeting later in the year to discuss this project, etc.