Innovative Marine 15g nano lighting

Any recommendations for a light for the 15g IM tank? Looking to house LPS corals. Thanks in advance
Are you looking for LED or metal halide? Metal halide, pretty much your only option is Reef Brite or special order a Giesemen fixture.

LED, pretty much any reef LED will work. A Noopsyche mini would likely work really well. There’s also NiCrew (not a huge fan personally but they work) and SmatFarm (these are good lights and work great but spectrum is a little iffy, I just can’t get mine to give that “pop” of the more expensive brands like Kessil, Ecotech, and Neptune). There’s also the Reefi Lab Uno 2.0 which seems to be getting great reviews.

I don’t have much experience with the mid to higher end LEDs but you can’t really go wrong with any of them. Just be sure they can give the par numbers you want.
I use the goosenecklight by reefbreeders, I'm not sure exactly which model but it is more than enough light and I'm happy with the look. It's not wifi but I find once it's set there is no need to touch it again.