Insanefishguy's 335g reef system

haven't updated in a while... and ,well, this is not one either, but a fun little video of one morning at "the clam bar"

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She said she was going to after I carried it up the stairs. She was furious even though I warned her 2 hrs or more before we got home with it
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Who wants to take a guess at how many fish I have in my tank!? This could be a fun contest... Hmmmmm what could I offer as a prize?
Lol. I must have told you guys at the swap, huh? Yes 22 fish. 21 of which are in my display
Solorensis Wrasse
Exquisite Wrasse
Orange Back Wrasse
Bathophylis Wrasse
Royal Pencil Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
Melanurus Wrasse
Target mandarin
Psychedelic mandarin
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Tomini Tang
Copperbanded Butterfly
Royal Gramma
3 Springer Damsels
2 Clownfish
Yellowtail Damsel
Green Scat
Sixline Wrasse
I was so hopeful to win that tank. I put something like 10 tickets in the container. Oh well, there is always next time.
I was lucky enough to have Sanjay visit this week and take some high quality pictures of some of my collection.



