Insurance Coverage for damages resulting from fish tanks


New member
I am on the phone with my insurance company and they are telling me that my homeowner's policy will not cover me from any damage that results from my fish tank leaking or suffering a major malfunction (a seam bursting).

How can this be????? What are people doing to ensure that their fishtank doesn't create thousands of dollars worth of damage to their homes?
No thats not right. They don't know what they are talking about. If you (god forbid) spring a leak, flood or whatever and flood your neighbors apartment you should be covered. I double checked with my agent and I'm covered. I've always been concerned with the same thing.

They just wont replace your corals and other livestock. All other contents should be covered.
I had a 150g that broke from a fire that started under the tank due to a timer malfunction which the fire heated the bottom it broke and did put out the fire. The water damage was extensive from replacing all the carpet in the living room the hardwood floor in the entire dinning room, kitchen, and entry way, some drywall repair, entire cleaning from fire soot ect....
State Farm covered everything except live stock, they did replace the tank, Halide lighting, stand and all equipment and even the live rock and sand. Though no cover on the fish and corals. All said and done it was close to 15K though I did have to pay $500 deductible. I just had standard homeowner's insurance no floater.
If your dishwasher was to malfunction and caused water damage I'm sure your insurance would cover it so why not a fish tank?
I was very specific in my questions... Atleast with USAA (my insurance company), water damage from a fish tank is not covered. They did indicate that water damage from an applicance would be covered, but not a fish tank.
Oh yeah, I also took a lot of pictures of the damage too. Though the claim adjuster also took a bunch also. I threw all the electrical stuff in a box and they sent it to a independent lab to determine the cause. They did state it was a timer that caused the fire and State Farm filed a law suit, if they recover their money they will refund my $500 though I'm not holding my breath.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7213644#post7213644 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by richw
I was very specific in my questions... At least with USAA (my insurance company), water damage from a fish tank is not covered. They did indicate that water damage from an appliance would be covered, but not a fish tank.

Depending on the extent of the damage I would seek legal counsel, and also change insurance company. I also would talk with a different person from your insurance company too
I would presume you were covered because of the fire -- which is a covered event. (BTW, my friend's house essentially burnt down on Monday due to a fire in tank supply room -- for another post.)

I think (but hope not), that many of us do not have the coverage that we think.
Ok I'm also cover if a water bed was to leak or break. Homeowner's insurance should cover any water damage from pipes, dishwasher, fish tank, water bed, leaking roof and even if you over flowed the sink or bathtub. Maybe they won't cover the source as the tank itself or the waterbed ect... but the damage should be covered.
I went back and pressed the issue with my insurnace company. Upon further review, I WOULD have coverage for the structure of my house, including flooring and installed carpet. I would not have coverage for any personal effects, such as furniture, oriental rugs, etc. I would advise everyone to carefully check their policy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7214673#post7214673 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by richw
I went back and pressed the issue with my insurnace company. Upon further review, I WOULD have coverage for the structure of my house, including flooring and installed carpet. I would not have coverage for any personal effects, such as furniture, oriental rugs, etc. I would advise everyone to carefully check their policy.

So did you have a tank accident?
My timer also caused a fire. We had over $100,000 damage in personal property and structure. Last year I posted photos of the fire and the cause of it.

Reef Geekster: What timer caused your fire?

RichW: What caused the fire in your friend's house?
They are not sure yet. I was morning and the lights were off, so they are out.

I would bet it was either a plug that go splashed and shorted or equipment failure. Pretty disturbing stuff. He and his family will have to move out for 6-9 months.

PS, I am having an electrician review every inch of my system next week.
This has been brought up a few times over the years.......

Your agent does NOT have the final say, your companies ADJUSTERS/SUPERVISORS do. How they interpret your states policy will dictate coverage. Your company maynot backup what your agent says and you may not have any coverage again.

In actual cases in Minnesota, State farm did cover damage to the home, NO personal property was covered-computer equipment in basement. Farmers will NOT cover anything, period. This entails damage from a tank that leaks or blows.

Damage from your tanks plumbing which leaks or blows (sudden & accidental) generally is covered. This is considered like water pipes most of us have in homes. Farmers has covered claims on that basis. There are way too many senarios to have every answer. But when in doubt refer to the top part.
I have been in the insurance industry 20 years and have had tanks for 25+ years. Like a lot of things there are many interpretations, rules and frankly a lot of BS. Many times there is not a right/wrong answer, and DO NOT assume anything.

Some of you are lucky enough to have coverage because of how your policies are in your state. Some are stating claims on the board which were covered, great. That does not mean that same company will due the same across a state line.
If your AGENT insists you have coverage, this should be in your policy.
ALL/most policies have coverage for sudden/accidental discharge.....Then get something (which is very vague and problematic) in WRITING signed by his immediate supervisor and a claims supervisor. You might have a chance of coverage then.....then the bs may start.
Your policy will not state anything about tanks/aquariums--thus the interpretaion and potential problems.
I had the same thing happen to me. Insurance did not cover my fish and live rock that died when Katrina knocked my power out for two weeks. They also didn't cover anything in my fridge or freezer as well as my shed roof and anything in it ruined. People should definately find out exactly what there policy covers. The shed roof and contents blew my mind. Don't find out when its too late. Too many people lost everything not knowing you need flood insurance to cover a storm surge. So called "hurricane insurance" doesn't cover storm surge. I'm sure you can cover anything you want if you request it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7213687#post7213687 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefGeekster
Depending on the extent of the damage I would seek legal counsel, and also change insurance company. I also would talk with a different person from your insurance company too

USAA is one of the highest rated insurance carries out there ... I would chage if I were you ... however, I would ask them to add coverage to your policy for your fish tank. I would bet it's only a small cost upgrade.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7218376#post7218376 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AqCons
My timer also caused a fire. We had over $100,000 damage in personal property and structure. Last year I posted photos of the fire and the cause of it.

Reef Geekster: What timer caused your fire?

RichW: What caused the fire in your friend's house?

The Timer was Intermatic Heavy Duty
I just checked with my insurance company a little while ago and my agent assured me I would be covered in the event my tank sprang a leak. Good to go!