Interceptor! Need to get?

Where are you located? You can generally order online, although asking for this stuff from others is like asking for a dime bag as far as the mods are concerned:eek:

For edumacation purposes, interceptor spectrum works like a charm. Done it a few times already. My problem is my tanks are small so I have to chop the pills into tiny pieces and don't know what to do with the left overs, LOL!
Lol! Dime bag!!

I'm in Miami on Bird Rd next to the turnpike

I have heard that Bayer does the the trick also and I have it in my cart in Amazon.

Let me know

Thanks you guys are the best
Bayer works, but you have to dip all pieces. With interceptor, you just dissolve the pill (or how much you need) and the next morning the redbugs are gone. Seriously, its that fast. You need to treat once a week for 3 weeks to get all the stragglers. Only downside, is that it will decimate and or eliminate your pod population, which will likely fuel an algae bloom, so make sure your nutrients are in check if you decide to do an intank treatment. Also, any crustaceans like crabs and shrimp are at risk. I lost a peppermint and an emerald, but my hermits made it. GL!
Definitely interceptor would be the way to go for me. I will still order Bayer to dip from now on when I get new frags. I have to setup a small tank to house my cleaner shrimp that I've had for over two years and a couple of peppermint shrimp.
You can't get interceptor from any reputable businesses. It's out of production in USA
Your best option is Sentinel. Same product with the addition of a flea control drug luferonon. Keep in mind you will loose all your inverts but the red bugs will be gone soon.
Most exotic pet vets will write you a prescription ( for the equivalent of interceptor since
It's no longer made )
If you explain the story plus print out the info from rc sps fourum
If you call a few of them they have probally already done this
Be sure to read the threads carefully it's a process of more then just adding the meds
What about Dr G's sps/lps coral dip solution? I've read that it contains the same ingredient as sentinel and its already mixed in a bottle. I haven't tried it yet but I've read that it was used as an in tank treatment with success even tho the bottle says to use it as a dip. I think that's to protect Dr G from lawsuits in case of a tank crash. I believe one bottle treats 300 gallons.
Where are you located? You can generally order online, although asking for this stuff from others is like asking for a dime bag as far as the mods are concerned:eek:

It amounts to trafficking illegal drugs. The FDA requires a prescription to buy this drug, Mods here are simply protecting Reef Central's interest.
That's understandable but there should be a prescription available for the hobbyist that has this problem with their wet pets that's legal and readily available at your local vet?
That's understandable but there should be a prescription available for the hobbyist that has this problem with their wet pets that's legal and readily available at your local vet?

What you need is a Veterinarian that has a reef tank.
As it's been explained to me, giving Interceptor to a dog with a heartworm condition will likely kill the animal as the worms die and block up the heart/bloodstream. Nobody wants to be responsible for giving you the pill that killed your dog.
What you need is a Veterinarian that has a reef tank.

As it's been explained to me, giving Interceptor to a dog with a heartworm condition will likely kill the animal as the worms die and block up the heart/bloodstream. Nobody wants to be responsible for giving you the pill that killed your dog.

That's correct.

By law in order for vet to rx any drug you need to have a valid CLIENT-PATIENT relationship.
But regardless no interceptor available in the USA so I doubt that any licensed USA vet would write a prescription.