Interceptor PLUS


New member
I just went to vet for an interceptor pill to treat my system that has a white parasitic copepod infecting my acros. I got one dosage of Interceptor PLUS; It has the same active ingredients 23mg of milbemycin oxime and 228mg of praziquantel as does the Spectrum. I got the large dose tablet for dogs fro 50-100 lbs.

I cant find any info on people using the PUS tablet to treat their tank, only the Spectrum version and Im worried the PLUS has other unsafe ingredients thay would kill my whole tank. I cant really find any information between the two products at all. I'll go back tomorrow to exchange if I cant find any information
I just finished 3 treatments for my tank 2 weeks ago. I had red bugs and it looked like I was able to wipe them out in one dose (12 hours each), but did 3 to be safe with the eggs. One large pill should be able to treat 380-400g and I have a 120g and split into thirds. All my pods died, some hermits made it. I took out the inverts I wanted to keep, 2 cleaner shrimp. Couldn't catch the other and 1 didn't make it. Others have used the Plus without problems. GL with treatment.
Others have used the Plus without problems. GL with treatment.

Sweet that's what I was hoping to hear!! I online chatted with 1-800petmeds and the lady said the only difference she knew was the PLUS was chicken flavored for dogs whom might be allergic to beef flavor which is the Spectrum.
Im eager to get this treatment underway because some acros haven't had any PE for months or are still brown even though I provide them everything they need; the parasites must be bothering them so much that they wont color up. I will be placing all my hermits and shrimp in the fowlr tank which I think they'll enjoy more.
Here's some photos of the nasties; they're the little white dots. Mots of the acros that are infected heavily have the mottled, sickly look to their tissue

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I didn't know I had red bugs and watched corals die maybe 2 years. Lost many beautiful specimens. Frustrating! After the treatment you'll feel better and growth was explosive on some of my milli.
Do the white dots move? Sometimes easier to see under UV. I picked up a 365nm light from the amazon jungle and it's easy to see weird stuff on corals.
You'll feel better after the first treatment.
I know they are gone but still hunt for them every night in the dark.