
If you don't find any by May (hopefully you'll find some before then!) then I've still got some around. I'll let you know if I'm down in Boca before then.
you can buy it online
Still need a prescription.
i'm working into getting some (lots) at a decent price and perhaps if i ever get to one of the meetings u can all have some w/o the sticker price.
I have some at home in case of emergency.
rawbomb, do you have pets? If so, talk your normal vet. Mine was very understanding when I explained the red bug treatment, and I've bought pills from him multiple times. Don't know if they'd do the same for someone who wasn't a regular customer.
i have an exotic vet but he wasnt up for it. i also tried online and that didnt work at the 2 sites i tried. youhave any for sale no gasman?
buddy you r in miami-
what do u need-
I have in my stock-1tab for 26-50 dogs,1 tab-for 50-100pounds dogs-and one dogs 11-25.
3 total
lets work out a trade-better than $ imo
Any sps or zoo's?
Manny I thought you couldn't fit another coral in your tank....
LOL maybe i'll find a couple more spaces LOL
im sotcking my tank and i just want to have it for dip purposes.
If u r stocking over time u may need multiple, as i said before u can have some lets work a trade.;)