

New member
Hello there,

I am in need of some interceptor. I am planning on moving the SPS corals I have, only about 12 different frags or so to a 20 gallon tank I set up for treatment and letting my DT go fallow for the redbugs to die out. Anyone able to sell me some?

I recently came across a few pills and will use the wisely after taking months to obtain. I hope you find some before the frag swap if your buying frags.

heh I should have no problem i hope, since the last thing in this world that I need is more frags :p

I should have interceptor around though just in case. Fluke tabs are sooo easy to come by, and I'm far more terrified of AEFW than I am of RB, and for good reason...
I am planning to buy frags at the frag swap (LPS, Zoas, SPS).
What should I use to protect my tank from getting any unwanted critters?