interesting coral reef article

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10761819#post10761819 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by greenbean36191
The ideas that humans are solely responsible for global warming and that earth's climate is normally stable are a straw men. No one is claiming that.

About two years ago the oil companies wanted to build a liquid natural gas terminal off the coast of Alabama, but before it could happen they had to have environmental impact studies done by the state marine lab. What did the oil companies do right before they applied for the permit? They bought the lab a brand new state of the art research vessel, donated several million to the public aquarium there, and then asked the researchers to "take another look" at the study they were about to release about the negative environmental impact of the local gas rigs already there. I know because I was there at the time and I was working under some of the people who were asked to reconsider their results. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The "creative" studies by the tobacco industry are pretty well documented.

In any event, the Cato Institute that I mentioned as a questionable source of information is a think tank. They work in philosophy and policy, not primary research. They aren't bound by the rules of hard science in determining their position. Who is funding them is extremely important in assessing their bias. Would you assume that a think tank funded by the Sierra Club, PETA, and Greenpeace was neutral on environmental issues? Why would you assume one that was funded by ExxonMobil, GM, and Ford was any more neutral?

The bottom line is that my stance comes from the primary literature and talking to the people who are writing it, rather than think tanks and the mass media.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10763617#post10763617 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mfp1016
Actually, funny you mention that LNG terminal, my project. You're just not right about it at all. In fact, I have a copy of that environmental impact amongst my files.
So, you're saying that what greenbean said isn't true? I'm sure you have the environmental report, but I doubt that attempted bribes are discussed in the final analysis.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10763617#post10763617 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mfp1016
Any others are privately funded and done without approval from my company or the PUC advising the project.
Ah, privately funded. By your subsidiary, or parent company?
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10763627#post10763627 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mfp1016
I'm willing to agree to disagree, however I would like people to realize that these kinds of bribes and scandals are very much a thing of the past. They just simply don't happen anymore. Back in the 60's, 70's and a bit in the 80's this kind of thing was rampant, however today just non-existant. I've seen people attempt such unethical practices, but also saw them quickly reprimanded....
I feel much better now. You admit bribes and scandals happened in the past. Then, you say that you've witnessed people attempt to do those things, and I'm supposed to believe those practices are in the past? Doesn't sound very reassuring to me. And, a quick look at our foreign energy policy doesn't instill a whole lot of faith in the morality of our domestic practices.
You're assuming a high magnitude. I'm refering to a small number of completely unrelated incidents involving contractors. Not the environment, despite what you'd like to believe.
As the person who oversaw the design and construction plant, I'm responsible for ALL aspects of the terminal. My source comes from my 40 hour+ work week. EIRs can be privately funded by any number of sources. Our company including all subsidiaries, and parent companies, do not fund any part of the EIR, the final word comes from the EIR produced by the PUC in charge of the project. Like I said, any privately funded EIRs are for entirely different purposes and are not considered or seen by anyone in our company or the PUC.

Like I said, it happened in the past. It doesn't happen today, not regarding that. All of the issues our company has had has been with contractors asking field operations supervisors to misreport their hours for tax purposes. However, I know that the two instances of those that came up in the last ten years were dealt with severly (I believe jail time for the owner of the contracting business!).

Quit speculating.....
I stick by my own knowledge of oil companies and years in the business, not bad media.

Like I said, agree to disagree, this is taking too much time, apparently I have people I need to bribe.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10765569#post10765569 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mfp1016
I stick by my own knowledge of oil companies and years in the business, not bad media.

Like I said, agree to disagree, this is taking too much time, apparently I have people I need to bribe.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that you do anything but do what good people do, but it does happen. And don't blame this on bad media, there is nothing wrong with the links I provided. You say that bribery happens, just not relating to the environment. Maybe blatant bribery has stopped, but "donations", paying for services at greatly inflated prices, buying of lawmakers who can bypass certain environmental restrictions, or "renting" scientists is still rampant. That's just in the US; go outside the borders and everything is fair game.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10765569#post10765569 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mfp1016
I stick by my own knowledge of oil companies and years in the business, not bad media.

Like I said, agree to disagree, this is taking too much time, apparently I have people I need to bribe.

Bush and all his oil cronys are the scourge of this world.Powerfull,dangerous,deadly vermin. They have brought shame on the US as a nation.