Interesting idea....

That is just cruel to the fish in the tank. Can you imagine what it's like when a 90mph faster ball tips off a bat into it. I don't care if it can't damage the tank or not.
Based on those dimension and total gallons, this tank will be less than 10 inches front to back.
Based on those dimension and total gallons, this tank will be less than 10 inches front to back.

Yeah I was wondering about that as well. This seems like it would be a maintenance nightmare for whomever is in charge of running it. Obviously it would have to be covered/sealed during games to prevent contamination purposely or accidentally from fans and players. I can just see some wise guy trying to dump beer in the tank during the game. Also, 10" wide isn't much for oxygen exchange in the first place with an open top tank, with a padded cover on top of the tanks I can't see that being a good thing for the livestock. My other thoughts were heat issues with FLA sun beating down on it all day. I guess that could be combated with a good chiller system similar to ones used at public zoo displays. I suppose the fish would get used to public crowds and foul balls banging off the glass but it will be interesting to see how and with what they decide to stock the tank.
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seems like a pretty stupid idea the more i think about it. hopefully the fish have earplugs from the beatings the glass / acrylic will take.

Overall i like it but not in that area, its more a lobby idea
I assume that they will pay a professional to maintain, we are talking about MLB here. I am sure PETA or some group will blow a gasket if it's neglected or improperly maintained. I like the idea but only if all measures are taken to properly maintain and care for the animals. Didn't they keep a dolphin at the Orange Bowl? I'm sure it will be ok and ridiculously expensive.
Yeah, I'm sure that money is no object. It also looks to me like the tanks are left and right and not dead center, so fouls would be the only problem, and I'm not sure how many go back that direction. Large skimmers and fast turnover could counteract the O2 problems. Overall I'm not sure if it's a great idea to have it there, but I guess I'd have to see it implemented before I was overly excited or critical.
I think it is going to be an algae nightmare, they are going to have a ton of direct sunlight and unless they are doing massive ( by massive I mean 100%) water changes a few times a week I just don't believe they are going to be able to prevent it.
I assume that they will pay a professional to maintain, we are talking about MLB here. I am sure PETA or some group will blow a gasket if it's neglected or improperly maintained. I like the idea but only if all measures are taken to properly maintain and care for the animals. Didn't they keep a dolphin at the Orange Bowl? I'm sure it will be ok and ridiculously expensive.

it wasnt the orange bowl. it was the miami dolphins. the dolphins name was snowflake. it was stolen by ray finkle/inhorn. and recovered by ace ventura
it wasnt the orange bowl. it was the miami dolphins. the dolphins name was snowflake. it was stolen by ray finkle/inhorn. and recovered by ace ventura

WE FOUND MR. WINKIE!!! Awesome movie!

Anywho, this is a cool idea BUT a long stretch. It would be more of a distraction than anything I would think. Then again who actually watches the game? The food, beer, and the drunk guy 3 rows over is more entertaining.
WE FOUND MR. WINKIE!!! Awesome movie!

Anywho, this is a cool idea BUT a long stretch. It would be more of a distraction than anything I would think. Then again who actually watches the game? The food, beer, and the drunk guy 3 rows over is more entertaining.

u mean who actually watchs the pirates
u mean who actually watchs the pirates

LMAO So true! I think if we had a good team, we might watch it. But currently the drunken jagaloon a couple aisles down is way more entertaining. The only part I ever cheer for is the pierogie race... now THATS Pittsburgh pride. :lolspin:
LMAO So true! I think if we had a good team, we might watch it. But currently the drunken jagaloon a couple aisles down is way more entertaining. The only part I ever cheer for is the pierogie race... now THATS Pittsburgh pride. :lolspin:

What about it's time to shoot some hotdogs