Internal QT idea

Cody Ray

New member
Now before everyone starts jumping to conclusions hear me out ;) I don't have the money to pay for additional lighting to run a decent QT system for incoming sps corals. So I was wondering about building an internal hang on tank that was seperate from the rest of the system (didn't share water) but would recieve lighting from the displays equipment. It would have a pump inside to provide circulation. Think oversized breeder container. The only thing I am concerned about is that I would bleach pieces because the corals would be soo close to the lighting. Maybe a piece of smoked glass would be enough to prevent this? Any suggestions would be great!
I know how expensive it is to have a good lighting setup, so I understand your concern, I would suggest if the only thing you are missing is the lighting, and you already have all the other equipment for your QT setup, do what I do. I purchased a cheap cannopy with a couple of compact flourecent bulbs, I think I paid like 170 bucks for it and before you say thats a lot for me, keep in mind my QT tank is a 90 gallon tank, use that for lighting, after all youre not going to keep the sps in there for ever, and while the sps wont thrive under those lights and I dont recomment keeping them under said lights for an extended period of time, it would be sufficient to do QT. Once they pass QT you can introduce them to your new tank, making sure you properly acclimate them to the new lights.

As long as you keep your water params and flow in check this lighting will be fine for qt.
U use pcs on your QT system? I never thought about that, if that's the case than I could probably do that.