International Transport


New member
This topic came up on my local forum recently, and I had a question.

This particularly applies to canadians, but I was under the impressions that soft corals (shrooms and zoas) weren't prohibited by CITES (to go between the US and canada) as long as they weren't attached to any LR or coral skeletons. Is that the case?

The reason I'm asking here, is because this is where I originally read this info.

Does this mean that corals attached to frag plugs would be ok- like zoas on a frag disk, or acrylic disk? If anyone could answer these questions for me it would be much appreciated. Better yet, if anyone could find the actual section of CITES that applies and give me a link, I could figure the rest out for myself.

Thanks ahead of time,
That is exactly how i interpreted the rule... Though many do not want to risk possible customs delays. Its much easier not to ship.

I get zoa's & rics shipped to the UK weekly without any import problems. As for having to be attached to rock, the recent spat of HK/Jap/Deepwater zoa's that were doing the rounds were all loose & not attached to rock, so i this isnt the case.