Interval mode with 7094 controller.


Im trying to setup up two 6100's on a 7094 controller in interval mode - ie one on for a minute or two, then it cuts off and the other pump turns on. I am having problems having it switch to the second channel. I have the pumps plugged into sockets 8 and 11. Have the interval time set to 1-7 minutes. Have the mode switch in the highest position (low/high tide). The interval light is on byt it never switches.

I have it set up like the manual suggests but channel two never goes off.

Any help would be great. Thanks.
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It sounds like the relay is bad in the controller, we no longer have parts for the 7094, it hasn't been made since 2004. I might try unplugging the pumps from power and reconnecting everything and giving it another shot. The 7094 used a standard electromagnetic relay and these could stick after thousands of cycles.
It sounds like the relay is bad in the controller, we no longer have parts for the 7094, it hasn't been made since 2004. I might try unplugging the pumps from power and reconnecting everything and giving it another shot. The 7094 used a standard electromagnetic relay and these could stick after thousands of cycles.
Is it a standard relay? Something that can be replaced with some soldering skills?
Yes, you should be able to find one from a specialty electronics supplier on line, I would caution though that usually when the relay sticks a couple diodes and possibly a capacitor have been damaged as a result, usually these repairs are like a dog chasing it's tail and you fix one thing just to find another problem and often that problem damages the work you just did. If you are interested in a 7095 or 7096, I will give you a discounted upgrade.