Hi everyone.....
I'm Lisa and live in Cecil County, MD. I'm not yet a member of the DRC but hope to be soon. I am new to this hobby (ok, I mean obsession...err, lifestyle lol) and just last night finally got my 125gl marine tank up and running. I was planning on a FOWLR BUT think I may try for a few shrooms and "easier" soft corals.
We'll see if I'm brave enough to try it though! lol
I also just had to saya warm thank you again to Jim (greeneyedcat) who has been so nice in giving me helpful information to get me started. I was lucky to have found Jim here and was able to get thelast of his LR from his tank which I needed to seed mine. His set up is (was) amazing and though I doubt mine will ever be as "high tech" as his......I hope to be able to have some success from seeing what he's done over the last 7 years.
To say I'm "obsessed" about this is an understatement as I was up till 3:30 am getting everything "just right"! lol And then I was so excited to see everything "toegther" that I couldn't fall alseep right away..................pretty pathetic huh? lol
I'm looking forward to meeting the members of the club and hope I don;t become too much of a pain with all the questions I'm bound to be asking.
Thanks again...will post pics soon of "The Beginning"
I'm Lisa and live in Cecil County, MD. I'm not yet a member of the DRC but hope to be soon. I am new to this hobby (ok, I mean obsession...err, lifestyle lol) and just last night finally got my 125gl marine tank up and running. I was planning on a FOWLR BUT think I may try for a few shrooms and "easier" soft corals.
We'll see if I'm brave enough to try it though! lol
I also just had to saya warm thank you again to Jim (greeneyedcat) who has been so nice in giving me helpful information to get me started. I was lucky to have found Jim here and was able to get thelast of his LR from his tank which I needed to seed mine. His set up is (was) amazing and though I doubt mine will ever be as "high tech" as his......I hope to be able to have some success from seeing what he's done over the last 7 years.
To say I'm "obsessed" about this is an understatement as I was up till 3:30 am getting everything "just right"! lol And then I was so excited to see everything "toegther" that I couldn't fall alseep right away..................pretty pathetic huh? lol
I'm looking forward to meeting the members of the club and hope I don;t become too much of a pain with all the questions I'm bound to be asking.
Thanks again...will post pics soon of "The Beginning"