New member
First of all the introduction.
Hi, my name is Andrea, I'm Italian and I live in London (UK).
I have been keeping FW fish for a couple of years now and I've decided to step into the big blue.
I currently have a 4' tank with discus, rummynose tetras and corys, a 30 litre shrimp tank bursting at the seams with red crystal shrimps, and a small 2' tank with a few otos and rasboras that will become a refugium for the discus soon.
I also have a 90 litre tank (plus 30 litre DIY sump) that used to be a nano reef. I started setting it up beginning of December and it was coming along very nicely. I was really proud of it, but a house move with VERY cold weather and it crashed. It now has live rock and sand, a skunk shrimp, two emerald crabs and a few snails, plus an anemone that is still fighting to stay alive, nothing else.
It is now just keeping these alive for my new tank.
The new tank is a beautiful 5' x 2' x 2' optiwhite tank, with a decent size sump (which will become refugium).
I was thinking of making a loose indo-pacific biotope but due to my lack of experience with marine I really need some help with the stocking. I tried in my usual forum, but it is mainly freshwater, and i got some really odd advice there, so I thought I'd better enter a marine community for this side of the hobby.
Here is my stocking plan:
1 Condy anemone (condilactys gigantea) - If the one I have survives, otherwise a bubbletip
1 Carpet anemone (Stichodactylidae sp.)
1 Coral banded shrimp (stenopus hispidus) - If a pair can be sourced I'll get a pair
10 Cleaner shrimps (lysmata ambionensis)
1 Maxima clam (tridacna maxima) - will see if the aquarium can support more than 1 clam, not necessarily all maxima
20 Nassarius snails (nassarius sp.)
20 money/ring cowrie (cypraea moneta/annulus)
10 strombus grazers (strombus maculatus)
15 dwarf hermits (calcinus laevimanus)
1 tiger pistol shrimp (alpheus bellulus) - Maybe 2 if the tank is big enough
2 emerald crab (mithraculus sculptus) - Caribbean, but I have 2 and they are staying
2 margarita snails (margarites pupillus) - Mexican, but I have 2 and they're staying
1 cerith snail - Caribbean, but I have 1 and it's staying
2 Sixline wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)
3 Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri) - 1m 2f if possible
1 Coral beauty (Centropyge bispinosa)
1 Flame angel (Centropyge loricula)
1 Lawnmower blenny (Salarias fasciatus)
1 Copperbanded butterfly (Chelmon rostratus)
5 Banggai cardinals (Pterapogon kauderni)
2 Ocellaris clowns (Amphiprion ocellaris)
2 Pink skunk clowns (Amphiprion perideraion)
4 Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)
2 Yellow watchman (Cryptocentrus cinctus)
1 Purple tang (Zebrasoma xanthurus)
Lighting from 2 x Radion LEDs
Circulation from
2 x vortech MP40w
2 x koralia 3200 lph
2 x APS 6000 lph
The pairs of pumps will be alternating with each other, each pair on a different timer to create shifting current patterns.
I will look into adding a Carlson surge device, but don't hold your breath.
The tank will be scaped as two separate reefs, one on the left occupying the left part of the tank and one on the right occupying the right part of the tank. This will create a clear territory division. The clam would go between the two.
Obviously this will not be stocked with the same speed of a FW tank, but slowly over several months, but I like to have a clear plan before I even start, so I'm building this plan even before I've started filling the tank with water.
The above stock list is more of a wishlist, and to give an idea of what I'm looking for. I'm new to salt, and there might be the perfect fish for me, that I just don't know about. It is open to be ripped apart by more experienced reefers.
Thanks for the patience in reading all this
Hi, my name is Andrea, I'm Italian and I live in London (UK).
I have been keeping FW fish for a couple of years now and I've decided to step into the big blue.
I currently have a 4' tank with discus, rummynose tetras and corys, a 30 litre shrimp tank bursting at the seams with red crystal shrimps, and a small 2' tank with a few otos and rasboras that will become a refugium for the discus soon.
I also have a 90 litre tank (plus 30 litre DIY sump) that used to be a nano reef. I started setting it up beginning of December and it was coming along very nicely. I was really proud of it, but a house move with VERY cold weather and it crashed. It now has live rock and sand, a skunk shrimp, two emerald crabs and a few snails, plus an anemone that is still fighting to stay alive, nothing else.
It is now just keeping these alive for my new tank.
The new tank is a beautiful 5' x 2' x 2' optiwhite tank, with a decent size sump (which will become refugium).
I was thinking of making a loose indo-pacific biotope but due to my lack of experience with marine I really need some help with the stocking. I tried in my usual forum, but it is mainly freshwater, and i got some really odd advice there, so I thought I'd better enter a marine community for this side of the hobby.
Here is my stocking plan:
1 Condy anemone (condilactys gigantea) - If the one I have survives, otherwise a bubbletip
1 Carpet anemone (Stichodactylidae sp.)
1 Coral banded shrimp (stenopus hispidus) - If a pair can be sourced I'll get a pair
10 Cleaner shrimps (lysmata ambionensis)
1 Maxima clam (tridacna maxima) - will see if the aquarium can support more than 1 clam, not necessarily all maxima
20 Nassarius snails (nassarius sp.)
20 money/ring cowrie (cypraea moneta/annulus)
10 strombus grazers (strombus maculatus)
15 dwarf hermits (calcinus laevimanus)
1 tiger pistol shrimp (alpheus bellulus) - Maybe 2 if the tank is big enough
2 emerald crab (mithraculus sculptus) - Caribbean, but I have 2 and they are staying
2 margarita snails (margarites pupillus) - Mexican, but I have 2 and they're staying
1 cerith snail - Caribbean, but I have 1 and it's staying
2 Sixline wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia)
3 Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri) - 1m 2f if possible
1 Coral beauty (Centropyge bispinosa)
1 Flame angel (Centropyge loricula)
1 Lawnmower blenny (Salarias fasciatus)
1 Copperbanded butterfly (Chelmon rostratus)
5 Banggai cardinals (Pterapogon kauderni)
2 Ocellaris clowns (Amphiprion ocellaris)
2 Pink skunk clowns (Amphiprion perideraion)
4 Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)
2 Yellow watchman (Cryptocentrus cinctus)
1 Purple tang (Zebrasoma xanthurus)
Lighting from 2 x Radion LEDs
Circulation from
2 x vortech MP40w
2 x koralia 3200 lph
2 x APS 6000 lph
The pairs of pumps will be alternating with each other, each pair on a different timer to create shifting current patterns.
I will look into adding a Carlson surge device, but don't hold your breath.
The tank will be scaped as two separate reefs, one on the left occupying the left part of the tank and one on the right occupying the right part of the tank. This will create a clear territory division. The clam would go between the two.
Obviously this will not be stocked with the same speed of a FW tank, but slowly over several months, but I like to have a clear plan before I even start, so I'm building this plan even before I've started filling the tank with water.
The above stock list is more of a wishlist, and to give an idea of what I'm looking for. I'm new to salt, and there might be the perfect fish for me, that I just don't know about. It is open to be ripped apart by more experienced reefers.
Thanks for the patience in reading all this