

I am interested in invasives. How are you all fairing with the brown invasive algae. How well does clean up efforts last. Is it located more Northerly or do you all have it smothering your grasses as well. Looking to get live samples (which will be destroyed) to see what invertebrates are utilizing it. I am in North MS and no where near an ocean. Mainly looking for the invertebrates. Although the algae will be good fertilizer once rinsed for the garden :lol:

Links, help, samples @ my cost, would be appreciated.
file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/bryanj/Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.IE5/P6MA328O/2004%2520Seagrass%2520Maps%5B1%5D.ppt#308,12,Expectations for 2004?

Here is one power point slide. The sea grasses have been struggling against gracilis like algae in some areas. I do not even know the exact species. I want to find out what is utilizing it and if it can be havested for some other use to promote clean up efforts. NOAA also maps the seagrass beds. Healthy beds, healthy bays.

May have been introduced by storm, man, been there all along and time and conditions are ripe for it, I have no clue. The Oro disaster was man made from what I have read. Has cosmetic uses so spread it. That's the legend anyway. Harvest efforts last for a few years which is promising. It can be used in aquariums and food for tangs and nutrient export. Frozen and disposed of. I am hoping this new stuff will have some similar uses. Do some web searches. Looks like it is on the Gulf side North of you.

Anyways, Thanks for the reports. Glad to hear you don't have it there.