Iphone/IOS app delayed


New member

Just saw the news that the Iphone App that was suppose to be delivered after MACNA has now been pushed back to the end of the year, beginning of next year.

Disappointed? Sure. Surprised? Not at all. Seems to be way too much announcement of things that are nowhere near ready in this hobby.
Dude...what can we say!
I am VERY disappointed...not really surprised. Seems like they are taking their time to develop an app UP TO PAR with their standards.....I only wish they would NOT build up our expectations with dates that will not be achieved!!!
Hi, I really want a Profilux 3, but am holding off, many people have iPhones & iPads and I also have two Mac Mini's and will pick up the Mini iPad very soon. The German's believe that Apple people are far and few in-between, they really need to update that thinking. Also get rid of the 90's serial port - that is unavailable on virtually anything purchased today. I have two options to hook up a Profilux, one is to put Parallels on a Mac Mini and also buy windows 7 or something similar, so I need to spend between the two programs $170 plus just to use to set up and make changes in the aquarium controller, option 2 is to get a cheap used windows box on Craigslist. Do not want to do either. I will wait. Seems they can could spend a couple of thousand of their corporate cash and get an app builder to do it easily for the iPad/Apple products.
Lots of let downs and frustrating disappointments from a company that makes such great claims or excellence......this is the reason I have another complete control system as a backup in case this Profilux 3 dies or continues to be difficult to use. Wish I had more positive things to say, but they are lacking in several areas like apps, North American support is drastically subpar as compared to the German support site. Don't believe it, just compare the two for yourself.
Well....I am glad other people are POSTING and complaining about their negative experiences.
I HAVE in the past, spoken about issues with GHL to the "head honchos" and they basically told me "seems to be an isolated customer" and "no one else complaints". It's good to see I am NOT CRAZY!!! Lol

PLEASE DO NOT GET ME WRONG, I have had ALL of the available controllers and STILL go back to Profilux.

But I do agree with all the comments here and I do wish that GHL would listen to some of the people here and start considering client comments/wishes. After all WE ARE THE CUSTOMERS.
But I guess, at the end of the day we continue to pour $$$ in the products they sell...they MUST be doing something right!!!
Thanks for making me feel like I am NOT alone on this one.
I don't know who said that the app comes end of this year - it is just not true.

Right now I have here the latest beta - Android and iOS versions for approval.

Once I am happy with them they will be released. (iOS takes additional 2 weeks because Apple wants to check every app).
Additionally we will release the new firmware 5.15 for ProfiLux which is necessary for the full app support.

Stay up to date in our support-forum:
Well I got the information from the German forum. Since I can't read German I had to take others people word for it. I waited a few days for Matthias to confirm or deny the time frame on the forum but nothing was written.

Anyways......thanks for update, looking forward to the app.