Is bluer light always better for all SPS appearance?

Scott Wilson

New member
Well this is a simple question and hopefully discussion.

Is bluer light always better for all SPS appearance?

I know some people like 10 some 20k and some in between. For those with SPS do you feel that there is any one lighting color that makes every SPS look better.
My experience is NO. I feel that there are some acros that look better under 10K and when put under bluer light all color is washed away. Does anyone else have this experience?

I look forward to your responses. Thanks Scott.
the only coral that i have seen look better in different lighting are certian color variations of frogspawn... i personally use 14k bulbs and two vho actinics on my tank for best color. thinking about 20k's
I always had the best color using a mix of 10K and 20K. I'm using 10K and 14K now. Colors are pretty good, but plan to change the 14K's back to 20K's soon when it's time.
znut Reefer:
Good to hear from you on this issue thanks for your input. I am thinking of going with a blend myself.

OK does anyone know of any SPS that looks better under 10k and when put under 14K-20K looks worse?

I have found this to be true but was wondering what you all thought. In my experience it was 10K 400w 15K 175w. Certain ones looked a lot better under the 10K
ill give u a example of my own experience... i have used hamilton 14 k with no actnic supps and the corals looked awesome but growth was really dragging...

i switched over to 2 250 watt xm 10 ks with a tek t5 retro kit both bulbs are super uri actnics. colors look freakin awesome.. every single coral....
Hi Scott,

Good to see you on RC! Sure, happy to add my input for you. I think I have had some that were under 10K not look as good under the 14K. But can't say yet on the 20K.
I would also like to recommend if you do 10K, give the EVC's a try. I used them for 2 yrs and was very pleased.
znut: Thanks for the advice on the bulb I will keep them in mind the next time I need bulbs.
Well one thing that shocked me was when I took some frags that were growing under 10K to a frag swap and had them under 15k they looked like crap. Needless to say those specific ones I came home with and looked better back under the 10K. Most people say that sps look better under the bluer light and I found this to not be true. Is this a rare occasion or just a bad 15K bulb (it was xm).
I have heard the XM 15K were not that good of bulb to use. Theres a thread on the 10K evc bulbs, everyones finding out they are nice and white. They are much better than the Ushio 10K's IMO. And if you do any 20KXM's I heard the 400's are better with higher Par. I was glad I used 400's.


I was running one 10k 400 watt de with two 20k 400 watts and have switched to all 20 k plus added two dual 24 inch t5 actinic.
While growth is not as pronounced, appearance is softer/better.


Yes, it took a bit to reacclimate some pieces. I think genrally speaking my lighting isa bit over kill and going to 20k's resulted it less burning and overall the pieces colored back nicely.
I a,m also a strong believer of flow. Lots of it!
I have two oceanmotions on my tack. One is a SS with four alternating returns on a closed loop. I took a Four Way and plugged two returns and have it alternating my return from my sump.
Good luck!
i have the option to take pieces from the prop tank, lit by 1 400w 10K XM on m59 ballast and place them in the display, 400w 20k xm on m59 ballast. some pieces looks better and some worse. those that look better usually have purples and green and some oranges, while those that look worse have reds,blue,yellows , some shades of greens. so it seems to be the particular piece. i originally thought i was gonna keep a spare 20k xm on hand for taking pictures but i isnt needed at the 10k , no actinics, is a perfect light for about 75% of the corals. the 20k does seems to wash out corals like my rainbow monti, but make others really pop.

I currently run two 400 watt 20K XMs over my 125 tall. All my sps were brown in my old 72 under pcs. They have only been in this new tank for two months and (with the exception of my red mille) my sps are all back to their normal colors. I had been considering a color temp change as I didn't think my growth was all that impressive under the 20Ks. I have since been told that 1/2 inch of growth on most corals in 4 weeks is actually quite good.

(click on red house for pics @ one month as of 9/11, I need to get updated pics on there though as things look even better now...)

I may still try the 10K XMs in the near future but have been worried that I'll lose a lot of my color... so is this not necessarily true then? Also kinda worried about 400watts of 10K being overkill on my tank... don't mean to hijack but thought since we're talking colors vs. bulb temp it might be a good time to ask.
Thanks for your insight into this matter!
No please do join in your questions are along similar lines coloration and lighting.