Is every LFS in it JUST for the money?


Floodicus Maximus Flooris
My wife and I bundled up the kids the day after New Years and decided to try and hit a few LFS's around our new area. I have recently setup my tank and after it cycled I needed a few fish to check things out before moving my main stock over. The goal was to pickup a box of salt and 5 Chromis.

Fish Shop A - The Systems looked great definitely a decent holding facility however the status of the fish for sale was horrible. Most looked diseased and just hanging in there. It's as if they did not put much thought into what each fish needed vs.. just getting them into a tank. I witnessed the workers there just ripping open bags and throwing the fish in that had just come in on a shipment. Most just sunk to the bottom of the tank gasping for air and probably going through PH shock.

*- I was offered 5 chromis at 6.99 each from the new shipment with the assurance that they would be up and running in a few minutes that they just needed time to get acclimated. ~ I declined.

Fish Shop B - Had vats open and were cutting open and adding the fish to giant feeding throughs that had air bubblers in them and had a decent drip going. I was told that the fish were going to be dripped for about 4 to 6 hours and then divided and placed in the holding tanks. Decent enough.. They too seemed to be cutting corners as over their coral holding tanks they were using power-compacts and a mixture of name brand and off brand led fixtures most of the coral was bleached and on its way out. All the while charging 299 for a 2" Bleeding Apple Scoly that did not look healthy at ALL.

Needless to say I ended up getting my chromis from Fish Shop B as i was assured they were there for at least a week and showed no signs of disease. (They are still currently in qurantine with PraziPro) I plan to run them through a copper stage as well.

This leads me to ask. I ASSUME (noobish of me) that most LFS's are hobbyists like myself. We KNOW from a variety of sources what works and what does not. We all know that if shops followed quarantine methods that the likelihood of passing on diseases would diminish significantly. We all know what kills Ich and Flukes. We all know what corals need to survive. I say we all know because if we don't, then we ask them (the LFS) or we find out online from others experiences. Why then does it seem like LFS's throw these principles completely out the window when they sell stuff to us? Has anyone ever shopped at a place that treats their stock like hobbyists do?
Well obviously you open and LFS to make money. You don't go into to business to break even. But I don't know any in my neck of the woods that don't stress responsible reef keeping first. The LFS by me are the type that wouldn't sell you a tang unless they knew what size display they were going into. All that being said I'm sure there are LFS' out there just after a quick buck and nothing more but I assume the best from most store owners.
There are only a few good Lfs in NJ, most of them are horrible. If you live in Central or North NJ, then you are closer to better shops. You just need to find out which ones are good. PM me if you would like.
I've found most owners are not hobbyists. This isn't fun to them: It's a job. At the end of the day, they must make more than they spend/expense.

For brick and mortar stores, there is very little money in this industry. Online is the way to go.

I trust any of my LFS as much as I trust any politician. There pocket is always more important than mine.
either they are in it for the money, or they would not make it past the 1 year.

many LFS, including mine, would tell you the truth, but wont push for it ... a guy walks in and wants 10 yellow tangs for his 60G ... LFS sais they wont fit, and laughs, the guy responds "they'll fine". what do u expect the LFS to do at this point ? kick the guy out of his store ? or bag up 10 YTs for him ?

but on the other side, many many times I have went to buy something and he has stopped me for whatever reasons ... again, he would say"let me hold on to that fish for a week before u buy it" but if I insist on buying it now, then .... who is he to disagree :)

see what I mean ?

PS. accilimation and stuff like that are overrated on sites like this, I take around 3 seconds to accilimate my fish and corals ..
I haven't seen this mentioned yet, but if a customer walks into an LFS with a responsible owner who will not sell someone something for whatever reason for the animal's sake the customer may likely walk out the door and go to a different store who doesn't care as much. Local stores are great to have around, but allowing them to be responsible is partially up to the hobbyist as if they turn around and fund a store that we view as irresponsible who won't be around as long?
Is every LFS just in it for the money? I would say most are, its a business. Once in awhile you find one that where the owner/employees are passionate about fish/corals and it shows. I wouldn't say this is the norm though.
Sad thing is it it isn't even just fish when it comes to the pet trade. Cats, dogs, herps, you name it can all equally be subject to sub par retail conditions.

As to seeing a LFS treat stock as they would their own tank... I'd say most here even if they don't have the best selection aren't down right negligent from what I've observed. Some clearly spend more resources on the fish than others. In this day and age I think the economy makes it harder to spend the time/money to "do things right".

Just have to remember at the end of the day its all about money. Best chance is to find a good lfs or online vendor.
I go to the store that my dad went to when he was a kid. This store is family owned for 53 years now and I love that place and the lady gives me discounts. One time I wanted a coral and this woman asked her and she said off the top of her head that it was $30 and the employess was like okay and I got it and when they took it out the rock was completely covered in zoas (like I thought) but it was also 3 times as big as what it looked in the tank. The lady said she forgot how bi it was and was suppose to sell it for $60 but she said since its Christmas that I can have it for $30. I was so excited. I go in there all the time and she will save me aall these frags and there about 2"x2" and ill get them for around $10 and shes always giving me a discount. I went in there one time and she was needng a little help so I helped her out for about 2 hours or so and I wanted to but some more ammonia test kit and 2 frags and she let me have them for free, just because I helped her.

But then my sister told me about this one place so I went there and it was pretty awesome with an awesome selection. 1 problem, I was convinced to buy a bleached coral (making a comeback!) and a brain (I love the brain so much) and they denied selling mw the bleached pagoda so I was stuck with it. I bout a torch there too that's awesome. But I probably wont go there again, 1 of the 6 shrimps I got from them survived. 2 were killed by others in the bag...

The third store I went to was brand new, I could really tell they were trying to sell as much as they could, nothing came on rocks or plugs and you had to buy glue and a plug. Hardly any corals there didn't need a plug. I did end up getting a pectinina.

But I have now learned that bigger stores have a lot of selection but theres nothing better than having a good friendly relationship at the store. Everyone at the first fish store know me and they al ask how its going and we all share pics of our tanks. THATS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE!
I agree they're only in it for the money! I've had reef tanks since I was 11"”now I'm 14"”and a LFS close to where I live tried to sell me an open brain coral skeleton for $100 saying it was alive. They thought I didn't know any better just because I'm so young I was so angry
Although one store that I go to is nice, the guy there is very nice to me and gives me discounts and a lot of advice, because he's happy to see that since I'm young I have an interest in the hobby and it care about fish/coral
Not sure why'd they be in it if not for the money.

I frequent 2-3 LFS in the Atlanta area. Each one has always been very clean and well maintained. I know a couple of them quarantines their fish before displaying them. Not exactly sure for how long though. Their prices tend to be higher than anyone elses but I see a marked difference in the quality of what they offer. They've also had good customer service. Never pushy but always asking if I have questions. They've never tried selling me something "because it's the greatest."

So yes, they're in it for the money. But some have found the best way to make $ long term is to have happy repeat customers.