Is Glass a MUST??


New member
Um....If I get a mantis in the next few weeks, I'm gonna have to store it in a 12 gallon acrylic....Would this be ok for like 2 weeks or so?? In 2 weeks I should be able to find a glass tank for it.:rolleyes:
I thought that Mantis's can break through glass so I figured that Acrylic would be even easier! lol..I really dont know...I'm just tryin to find out as much as possible about them b4 I get one so I can give them the best home away from home as possible.
Acrylic is more shock absobent than glass.
Much would depend on the species of Mantis as well. Mantis with spears for the front apendages wouldn't matter. The clubbed front claws are the smashers.

Most Mantis are relatively small, however a few species can outgrow a 12 gallon tank.

I hope your creative or artistic. Place some rock into the substrate and create a few caves or crevices in the front. Slant them so there not head on with the front glass.

Otherwise your new guest will find a burrow in the back out of sight and you'll never see it.

You can use small pieces of PVC and conceal them with the rockwork.

Good Luck
Thanx for the advice Ed! Lucky for my future pets, I am quite the artistic aquascaper. I designed my 40 gallon (hex) reef aquarium layout so that the rock formes like a U shaped wall that corespondes with back 3 sides. This wall has about 20 caves, some that come out in the back and others that terminate so the fish can have an actual hiding place for them to hide if they become too stressed. Once the corals encrust all the rock I believe it will be quite a magnificant sight. Hopefully :rolleyes: :D