Is it brown jelly disease?


New member
So, as i wrote in anoter thread I'm having a dino bloom. My seriatopora hystrex was covered in it, as well as my gorgonia. Initially i was not really worried since it would come off quite easily with the turkey blaster. Polips were extended and still growing. Today i went to blast it again and i noticed that the skeleton was exposed. Im really worried now that it got the brown jelly. Can you give me some advice if you saw something similar? On the forum i saw mostly lps with brown jelly, so i cant tell if it works like this also on sps. Thank you in advance

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I have 2 kinds of montipora. They are doing fine, not so much dino is going on them either. My hermit just molded on the hysterx though, thats the only difference. Ammonia and nitrites are at 0. My calcium and magnisium are quite high.

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It's my understanding that brown jelly only affects LPS. It is an infection which literally causes the large polyps to turn to jelly.

With that said, to me it looks more like cyano/dino mats covering the coral. Which in turn is preventing the polyps from opening and causing them to die off and bleach.

if you continue to blow off the mats from the coral, it can recover.
If nutrients are indeed 0 I’d try to raise them to measurable levels. 1-5 NO3 at least, and remove GFO if using and PO4 is 0.

That looks like it could be ostreopsis but microscope ID to be sure. Also. Suck off, mix with water, and pour through a paper towel into another class. If it is clumped back together in an hour it is dinos.

From what I have seen in peer reviewed literature, there is some evidence that nutrient depletion can trigger blooms. My experience is that the every time NO3 approaches 0 they appear—mine are Ostreopsis. Yours don’t look bad yet so try to nip in bud. I added a UV sterilizer and that seems to have really helped in combination with dosing nitrates and really feeding the tank.
I am in fact trying yo get more no3 as i wrote on the other thread, but somehow i cant measure any. Im pretty sure i overfeed as well but my tests always show 0 nitrates and the minimum of phosphates. I also removed my caluerpa and carbon, if that could help.

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