Is it normal?


New member
I added two Disbar Anthias to my tank on Friday and they are still very timid and not eating. Whenever I walk over to the tank the hide behind rocks. The only other fish in the tank are a pair of Frostbite clowns. I'm offering LRS reef frenzy and a veggie flake for food.
I have tried a few sets of dispars. They are apparently more on the fragile end up the anthias family. Mine have all been skiddish for a few weeks. As far as the eating goes if they weren't already eating frozen on the store then I've been told to offer them live pods to get them to start eating then work up to live brine and hopefully mysis. I wish I would have been told this before I lost two sets I ordered online that hadn't been trained to eat
I purchased the flake food the LRS said they were eating. They also said they were eating brine, so I may have to go get some brine. I didn't realize they were in the skiddish side either. I've had Lyretail in the past and they were anything but skiddish.
Did you quarantine them? That's usually where you get fish to eat as there's no other fish to outcompete or intimidate them. And obviously treat for disease and parasites as not eating would be a possible symptom of disease or parasites.
Unfortunately I do not have a QT. It took a long time to convince the wife to let me get the DT. I did see them eat at the LFS before I purchased them.
Still no luck. I tried offering live brine and soaking the flake in garlic to entice them. They swim around the tank most of the day, but still hide when I come to the tank to feed or look at it. I guess they might be getting some food behind the rocks because they don't look skinny or malnourished.
Most anthias are the skittish for the first few days if not a week when added to a new tank.if they don't start eating in the next day or two then I would start being concerned.dispars are timid this is why I prefer lyretails since they seem to do well in home aquariums.hope they eat soon for you.