Is it possible to get replacement part for Osmolator?


New member
My osmolator sensor...rather the black plastic bar that the sensor is attached to, broke at the top (where the screws fit in). Can I buy a replacement plastic bar?

Also, lately when my RODI bucket gets low, the Osmolator pumps doesn't always work even though it is still covered with about 3" of water. It will try to run (I can hear it) but will not push water. Then if I put more water in the barrel so that the pump is covered with 12 or more inches of water, it will work again. What does that mean?

Is it time to buy a whole new Osmolator setup?
You can get the parts, how old is the pump? If it is more than 2 years old you are probably due for a replacement, they typically last 1-3 years, the newer ones usually last 2-3 because we improved the seal. The pump is part 5000.020, the mounting bar is part 3000.220, you can order both on for about $32 shipped.