is LED SPS lighting a thing?


i had a 240g LPS/SPS tank for years that i shut down about 12 years ago due to a move and used metal halides back then. a couple of moves later and i've gotten the itch again. been watching out for a tank, and lucked out and picked up a 120g with stand/canopy (probably won't use), refugium, UV sterilizer, protein skimmer, chemicals, RODI, a couple hundred pounds of rock (now dry), etc. etc. for $75 yesterday. yeah....$75! old T5s in the canopy. ick

when i got out, LED lighting was like $600 for a small one, they were pretty new. i've been looking around a bit at LEDs, but none that i've found so far look like they have the PAR for SPS. not in a huge hurry, just picked up sand and salt today and cleaning everything up. i've been out of the loop for a while, but excited to get back in. i remember a lot, but i've forgotten a bunch too. any help pointing me in the right direction for a 48" light would be greatly appreciated!

my old tank....cameras sucked back in the olden days too.


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In doing some research, and if I were buying, I'd go for the Current USA Orbit Marine PRO LED Saltwater Reef Lighting System - 36"-48". It touts itself as able to handle SPS, and ranges from $316 to $416. I have to say there's still nothing like the look of metal halide in my book, but that really dates me. Man, what a great deal on your set-up!
LEDs have gone from "A thing" to "THE thing," due to their long life, controllability of spectrum and intensity, no need to replace bulbs, no mercury, low cost to operate, and overall low lifetime cost. Halides are pretty much a thing of the past. T-5 bulbs are still popular in some circles, but Bulk Reef Supply and others have determined that the newest mass-produced LED systems (Reef Brite Lumi Lite) are a close match.
I used metal halide and vho for 20 years on SPS and went to all led last year. The growth patterns on SPS are different but the LED definitely grow acropora and the colors are phenomenal compared to MH/VHO. I use all Reefbreeder fixtures on my 470 gallon SPS tank and 375 gallon mixed reef. No regrets making the switch so far a year plus later and my electricity bill did go down significantly.
I recently got back in the hobby too. By recent I mean since May 2021. I feel like a noob all over again because just like you I forgot a bunch but slowly remembering. Before I got out of the hobby because 120G sprung a disastrous leak, I was running a pair of Reef Brites with a 4 t5 bulb tek light and I was growing sps just fine. This time around for my Redsea 525xl I bought 2 Ecotech G5 XR30 blue. One of my friends runs the same lights on the same set up and has amazing growth with these lights.
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LEDs are definitely a thing. There are many diehard MH and T-5 users out there, but LEDs dominate. I used to trust BRS videos to tell just the facts on many lighting subjects, but since Bertram Capital bought BRS, they own AquaIllumination, Ecotech, Marine Depot, and Neptune Systems. I don't know who to trust anymore.
LEDs are definitely a thing. There are many diehard MH and T-5 users out there, but LEDs dominate. I used to trust BRS videos to tell just the facts on many lighting subjects, but since Bertram Capital bought BRS, they own AquaIllumination, Ecotech, Marine Depot, and Neptune Systems. I don't know who to trust anymore.

OMG, now we need to watch out for #FAKENEWS in the saltwater hobby. hahahaha
LEDs are definitely a thing. There are many diehard MH and T-5 users out there, but LEDs dominate. I used to trust BRS videos to tell just the facts on many lighting subjects, but since Bertram Capital bought BRS, they own AquaIllumination, Ecotech, Marine Depot, and Neptune Systems. I don't know who to trust anymore.

Well all those companies made quality products before Bertram invested in them. Considering AI, Ecotech and Neptune all make lights and pumps that compete in the same space, it's definitely a bit of a high-wire act and that's what will be interesting to see what plays out. AS for BRS, we have been seeing a shift from information to infomercial for a while before Bertram got involved.