Is my frogspawn dead?

Deep Reef

Active member
I don't know what's happening. I have another larger torch that is doing fine but this one has taken a turn for the worst. Do you think it can come back or should I consider it dead?
Wow thats not good sorry for your lost. But don't remove it. It can still have life... i went through two frags that i though it waz dead. But i didn't remove from were it waz. And as days pass i saw life come back to it....
Cant really tell from your picture, but it looks like it could be BJD (brown jelly disease) so google pics of that and compare. If it is BJD, remove the head very very carefully if you have other lps, as it is highly contagious. If not (most likely) just hang in there, Ive seen some VERY close to dead euphyllias come back to former glory!

Good luck, keep us posted
OMG...that looked exactly like it. I have one other frogspawn and didn't want to take a chance of contaminating it. I removed it, now I'm watching the one that's left for any sign of the disease. Thanks gemini for the advice
siphon that off. Don't remove it manually. It will spread. Its a bacteria and it will be released with anything but siphoning. Although anything, including siphon can cause it.

What I have learned is that if you can remove the middle of the skeleton and see that it is black, 100% of the time means the colony is doomed. Not saying its 100% of the time always, but 100% in my experience.