Is my melanurus wrasse okay?


New member
Well I got this melanurus wrasse like 2 days ago and it came in in pretty bad shape. I thought it was going to die. But it started to swim around the next day and eating. I noticed it has white poop and dosed prazipro. Luckily nothing sever happened to it but I've noticed it's lips are odd like almost sticking out or the mouth is just slightly open. Is this normal for juvenile female melanurus wrasse?


I also don't know how long prazipro takes to kill things :/

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Have you provided a sandbed for it to hide to sleep in/hide when stressed?

I did a little research on wrasses, and the kissing lips look, and I put it down to two reasons. One, when they are shipped and are in a stressed state they try to burrow down into the bag but obviously no substrate to hide in, so they keep trying to burrow put they end up damaging their lips/jaws hence the kissing look. The same scenario when they are kept at shops. Generally, they are kept if bare bottom tanks, when stressed, they try to burrow but end up damaging there mouths/jaws on the bottom of the tanks.
Have you provided a sandbed for it to hide to sleep in/hide when stressed?

I did a little research on wrasses, and the kissing lips look, and I put it down to two reasons. One, when they are shipped and are in a stressed state they try to burrow down into the bag but obviously no substrate to hide in, so they keep trying to burrow put they end up damaging their lips/jaws hence the kissing look. The same scenario when they are kept at shops. Generally, they are kept if bare bottom tanks, when stressed, they try to burrow but end up damaging there mouths/jaws on the bottom of the tanks.

I have been told not to have sand in by many people because it absorbs medications. This melanurus wrasse just goes to the side of s pvc pipe and just lays down. I don't see it using it's lips and damaging itself. But maybe you are correct, maybe it hurt itself while it was in the bag. Because it's had the lips like this ever since I got it. Thank you for researching by the way!

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I have been told not to have sand in by many people because it absorbs medications. This melanurus wrasse just goes to the side of s pvc pipe and just lays down. I don't see it using it's lips and damaging itself. But maybe you are correct, maybe it hurt itself while it was in the bag. Because it's had the lips like this ever since I got it. Thank you for researching by the way!

Sand doesn't absorb copper nearly as much as rock. So, you can put a little sand in the QT for him. (I place sand in a glass pyrex bowl for sand burrowing wrasses.)

Just test your copper level daily, and add more if you start to see it drop. Eventually the sand will absorb all the copper it can and your Cu level will remain stable.
In a QT (actually, I do TTM) for Wrasses, I just fill a Tupperware like container with sand and through it out after.

Are you doing TTM or just a QT period?