Is my Ph probe broken?


I have had on going problems with my probe from day one. It has gone from 8.3 in one spot in my tank and when I take it out it and put in right back in it would read 7.0 and never go back to the normal reading. The tech support helped me out and told me to clean it off real good and set it in the 4 solution for 24 hours and then recalibrate. Well that work for about a month and then it started to do it again. Now I came home today and it stuck on 3 and the alarm was going off. I tryed to clean it and do the 4 solution again, but it stays on 3 and won't move. Is this thing toast? I should have turned it in right from the start.. Any help? Thanks Ryan

if cleaning it the first time cured the problem it was that the membrane had got blocked. probes can be prone to this especially if you dose kalk. (or even if you dont)

I would suggest cleaning it first and then if no go replace it.

probes only have a life dependant on the enviroment they are placed in, no two probes will last the same amount of time, the term used for probes is "degenerative" meaning as soon as you start to use them they are breaking down, this is why most probe manufacturers will not warranty them it is up to the retailer to decide if they wish to add one at their cost.

Try cleaning it, if no go then yes replace it.

Get back to me anytime ;)