Is my shroom splitting or dying?


New member
Can't tell if my mushroom is splitting into two mushrooms or melting away from the inside.

Originally it looked like this


Now it's doing this....

I can't tell if this is good or bad. The color and texture of the shroom looks fine

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Looks to me like a clean split. Congratulations! You now have two fine looking rhodactis mushrooms :)

Awesome! That is good news. :dance:
I just didn't know because I have only had it for about a month and I have never been able to successfully target feed it like my ricordea. I also wasn't sure it would multiply at such a small size. Both halves are about the size of my pinky nail.
I've never had my rhodactis take food, that I could see, so I wouldn't be over surprised about that. And since its a natural split it could go one of two ways, it's either super happy so it wants to replicate and share the wealth, or, its stressed out and is replicating to increase chances of survival. As sturdy as rhodactis mushrooms are though I'm going to wager that it's super happy.