Is my xenia dieing?


New member
I have a 30 gal reef tank thats 3 months old. For the past week ive been batteling a sever GHA algae bloom. For 5 hours yesterday I scrubbed my rocks and tank walls. I took the rocks out to scrub them and did a 30% water change after scraping the walls. My pulsing xenia stayed in the water the entire time. Well I woke up this morning and now the xenia looks bad...real bad... i dont know whats goin on...anyone have any ideas/advise?




It actually doesnt look to bad (from what I can tell). Let it bounce back from the water change and add some Kent liquid iodine. I dont see any other live stock in your I correct? What amount of lighting do you have on the tank? Is the tank cycling?
The xenia appears to be bleached.
Quite possibly a small cycle from having the rocks out of the tank. Can you post ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate parameters. Actually you should check everything you have kits for and post please. Dont forget SG and temp.
Live stock:
1 colony, 5 polyps, zoanthids
2 colonys of 10+ polyped zoanthids
1 bubble coral frag
1 colony of super green star polyps(40+polyps)
The GSP and one of the larger colonys of zoanthids are on the same frag. Its the bubble corals skeleton.
1 Gonodactylus Chiragra 4 1/2 inches (mantis shrimp)
and a few hermits
Perameters were just checked and are as follows

78 degrees (this has gotten up to 80 with a fan blowing across the top)

Salinity 1.023
ammonia-.25 (i think that was caused by the cleaning)

Light is 2x65w coralife lunar aqua light
The tank finished its cycle March 20, 2006

2 power heads for water movement 80 gph and 180 gph
filter is an Aquaclear 30 but it has phos ban running in it with the sponge
Phosphate is ~.1ppm