Is starphire glass an important factor for a large peninsula style tank?


New member
I'm interested in setting up a 180-220g peninsula tank. I'm wondering if starphire glass will be a big improvement over standard glass since viewers will look through 2 panels (as a peninsula). I might be able to get a good deal on a used large tank with standard glass, but I don't want buyers remorse for not spending extra to get a new tank with starphire. What are your thoughts?
Go out to a big department or grocery store. Look through the great big windows and see if you notice the greenish tint through them. That's what standard glass does. If you don't notice or you don't care then you can save yourself money going with standard glass. However, if you are really partial to the subtle tones of your fish and inverts' colouration then you will probably want to splurge and get the Starphire. That's what people are buying it for, to get rid of that greenish tinge.

On a build this big, I would get the starfire glass. You don't want to go cheep and then have to tare everything down later when you get what you know you want now. The extra price is worth it.
... or get upset because you scratched you expensive starphire tank because you didn't realize it is quite a bit softer than regular glass.

In all seriousness, find someone with a tank with a similar thickness glass to see if it makes a difference to your eyes. For me not so much, I've found with personal experience even at thicknesses of 1/2" clean glass is perfectly clear, no green tint if I'm looking through the tank at a normal angle.

If you're worried about looking straight through the tank I wouldn't, since you'll get a discoloration due to the water as it is.
... it is quite a bit softer than regular glass.

If you're worried about looking straight through the tank I wouldn't, since you'll get a discoloration due to the water as it is.

I am just about to buy a new tank and was at the lfs and asked if the tank he was selling was starfire. He said take a look at this and had a sample of reg. and starfire glass. He held them up to the light and I saw a yellowish tint to one, the other was crystal clear. Then he said come over here and look at it now. He held it up by the lights to the fish tank and I saw not one little bit of diff. then he said don't waist your money. He explained that it had something to do with the blueish color of the light from the reef lighting makes it looks the same. If I where going to do fresh water he said I would see a diff. because it would be comparable to the fluorescent light that he held it up to on his ceiling to begin with. Last he said it does scratch a lot easier :thumbdown
Bigger the tank..thicker the glass

Thicker the glass..the more tint you get with glass.

Beyond the size of your tank, the difference is pretty significant to my eye.
for the size tank youre looking at its borderline worth it. over 1/2" glass its a definite yes, 3/8-1/2" its preferance, under 3/8" dont waste your money. I went with a marineland 300g peninsula and you can tell a differance if you look for it, but it was only about $150 to upgrade to starphire so I said screw it and did it.

Coming from a 20 year old acrylic tank, the softness is no big deal at all. Im already used to keeping the magnet away from the sand.

Anyway Im pleased with it.
On my 265 I have a Starfire front and regular glass on the ends. To be completly honest I'm not sure I can tell the difference.
i think it depends on the corals and colors that you want to keep. i spent $$$ on colorful sps and i want to get my moneys worth so i decided to go with starphire glass. i am 100% happy with it. it my tank and corals seem to glow, if you can see a difference between acrylic and regular glass, you will see a difference between starphire and regular glass.

i loved the crystal clear look of my acrylic tank but hated how easily it scrached so i went with starphire it still can pic up a micro scratch here or there but nothing like acrylic it is a perfect compromise for me.